Smart contract

This Smart Contract will be launched on the BNB BEP20 network. Investors will receive a variable investment return of 0.5% to 2% daily. A certain % of the profits obtained from the v3 pools of the token in solana and in BNB will be used for Matrix BNB payments.

BNB Token

Name CyberBits (CYB)
All supply will be in circulation, the buy and sell tax will be 5%, liquidity will be progressively blocked until the target is reached and 100% is burned. 50% of the taxes collected will be allocated to carry out a buyback of the token, 25% for the first 100 holders and the other 25% will be allocated to add liquidity to the v3 pool. The performance obtained in the v3 pool will be for marketing and development.

Name: CyberBits (CYB)
All tokens purchased by DEV will be used to create liquidity pools on Orca and Raydium. 100% of the tokens earned through pool rewards will be awarded to the first 100 holders each week.

Solana Token
